Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Our address is 201 East Pike Street, Cynthiana, KY, 41031.


Can I order books online?

Absolutely! We are partnered with Book Shop to make supporting local while shopping online a breeze. Click here to shop online while staying local. We appreciate you and your support!

I don’t see the book I want in your store, what can I do?

While we try to maintain a wide variety for our readers, we understand that sometimes you have your eye on a specific book. If that is the case, we ask you to fill out our Book Request Form. We review this form frequently and do our best to fulfill your order. We will be in contact regardless to let you know when you can expect your book to be delivered or if we could not find what you were looking for.

Are you hiring?

We appreciate your interest in working for the best bookstore in Cynthiana! Unfortunately, we are not actively hiring at the moment. If you would like to submit a resume for possible use in the future, please email that to

Do you accept pre-orders on new-release books?

Yes! We are happy to add you to our list for pre-order on any new-release books you need. You will be contacted when that new release arrives in store for pick-up. Please click here to request a new-release.

Have a question that you don’t see an answer to here? No problem, reach out to us via email, phone, or stop in and we will do our best to find that answer for you.